Face it, throwing around a frisbee can get boring fast. Even on the most beautiful of summer afternoons.
When it’s hot as balls and you’ve been drinking, it’s no fun chasing a frisbee around the backyard. There are far better options for tailgate, outdoor concerts, or barbecue activities with family and friends.
While beer pong, cornhole, bocce, and badminton are quite a bit of fun, there is an equally – if not more – thrilling drinking game that involves frisbee skill.
It’s called Frisbeer! It’s also known as Bottle Bash, Polish Horseshoes and Beersbee. Whatever you want to call it, it’s a popular game at college parties. But it’s not restricted to that age group. Frisbeer is also a great time for people of all ages over 21.
While there are a number of variations to the game – and you can add your own twists – it essentially involves players throwing frisbees at bottles that rest on poles 20-40 feet apart.
The more accurate you are, the more your opponents will have to drink up. If you want to get wasted, too, make sure you’re playing against skilled foes.
History of Frisbeer, Bottle Bash, Polish Horseshoes & Beersbee
Folks first began tossing pie tins like frisbees back in the 1870s. It wasn’t until the 1950s that the frisbees we know today began being mass produced as toys for children.
It’s unknown, however, exactly when the first game of Frisbeer was played or when it was given that name. Some have said it originated with college students in Canada before becoming a popular activity in the United States.
As already mentioned, some folks also call the game Beersbee, Polish Horseshoes, and Bottle Bash. Others just call it the frisbee bottle game.
Let’s take a deeper look at what you need to play and the basic rules so you can get started with Frisbeer this afternoon.
What you need to play
Before you set out for the backyard, make sure you have the following:
- Four players ready to have fun and get buzzed – and possibly hammered. The four are divided into two teams of two. You can also play one-on-one, but two-on-two is best.
- Two poles. You might have metal, PVC pipe or wood poles lying around in the shed and garage that you can use for Frisbeer. You can also buy special poles and sets online that are built specifically for the game. Ideally, the poles are four feet in length and one to two inches around.
- Beer! You can also play with wine coolers, hard lemonade and other fruit beverages, and hard seltzers. If you’re not the drinking type, you can also make do with soda, water, juice, or any other liquid you consume. Just make sure they are packaged in bottles or cans.
- A frisbee. Duh!
Setting up Frisbeer or Bottle Bash for competition
The game is best played on flat land or semi flat land with enough space to throw a frisbee. If you have a small lawn, go to a nearby park or crash on a friend’s house.
Start by placing the two poles 20 to 40 feet apart. It’s up to you the distance.
If you want to get drunk faster or you’re not that good at throwing a frisbee accurately, start at 20 feet. You can test it out for a few rounds and shorten or lengthen the distance as desired.
Ideally, your poles are the same height (about three feet sticking out of the ground) and are sharp – like a stake – at one end so they can easily be anchored into the ground. Otherwise, anchoring the holes into soil will be a more arduous task.
Players on each team must stand beside their pole when playing. Keep drinks nearby, perhaps in a Styrofoam cooler or carrying bag you can easily maneuver.
Frisbeer rules
Determine which team goes first. You can do this by flipping a coin or by who chugs a beer fastest or who has better looking girlfriends. It’s up to you.
After that is out of the way, players from each team take turns tossing the frisbee at the opponent’s target. The target is an empty – or half empty – bottle or can that sits on the poles.
It’s absolutely necessary that players hold a drink in one hand while playing. That means while throwing and catching.
If a player steps beyond the pole while throwing, it is a foul and no points will be awarded on that turn.
Frisbeer point scoring
To score points, you must knock the can or bottle off the pole by directly hitting it or the pole.
Two points are awarded for a direct hit and knock down of the bottle or can. Some call this a “dinger,” much like when someone throws a “ringer” in horseshoes.
One point is awarded when you knock down the bottle or can by hitting the pole with the frisbee.
If both players from the same team knock the can or bottle off the post on the same turn, the frisbee is returned to them immediately for an extra turn.
You may also consider using these scoring add-ons:
- If an opposing player catches a bottle or can before it hits the ground, the throwing team loses a point.
- If the opposing team catches the frisbee, it earns one point.
- If you’re playing with a glass bottle and it breaks from the force of the frisbee or ground, three points are awarded.
Honestly, you can think up a crap ton of add-on scoring rules to make the competition more fun for your group. The more creative the better.
You can choose to play to 7, 15 or 21 points, with the winner having to prevail by two points. You can also crown a winner straight away when they break a bottle.
Drinking games while playing Frisbeer, Bottle Bash & Beersbee
Obviously, adding a drinking element to the game can make it more entertaining and enjoyable for all involved.
There are a few options to consider:
- Drink following a turn. If one team scores three points on their turn, the opposing players take three sips immediately after the turn.
- Drink following a round. If one team scores four points on their turn and the opposing team scores two points on their subsequent turn, the opposing team takes the difference in point totals … so two drinks.
- Drink following a throw. If a player scores two points on a throw, the opposing players take two swigs after the throw.
- Drink following a game. If one team wins 15-10, the losing players take 5 sips immediately after the game.
Again, feel free to get creative when establishing your rules for drinking. Keep in mind that the accuracy of throws will diminish greatly the drunker you get.

Being safe while playing
By the very nature of playing with hard frisbees and harder bottles, Frisbeer is more dangerous than traditional outdoor drinking games like Beer Pong, Ladder Ball, and Cornhole.
Think about it, tipsy folks are throwing frisbees at each other with the goal of smoking a glass bottle. Busted noses, fat lips – and worse – are possible.
With the possibility of broken glass, make sure to wear sneakers or shoes when playing. Be respectful of your opponent by not firing full force and go in knowing that spilled beers and body bruises are rather likely.
The weight and density of the frisbee, the hardness of the ground surface on which you are playing, and the types of beer bottles you are using will result in greater or lesser chances of breaking bottles. Keep this in mind when deciding where and what type of frisbee you will use to play.
It goes without saying that you should drink responsibly. Consider lighter beers and seltzers. Consume food and water while playing. Take breaks to get others involved.
Have fun and be creative with game play!
If you have never played Frisbeer before, you’re in for a treat. It is easy to learn and play, yet also allows you to show your competitive and athletic side.
To shake things up, you may consider a tournament-style competition with brackets and a trophy for the champions. You can also play men versus women or couple versus couple.
One of the best things about Frisbeer or Bottle Bash, is that the game can be adapted and tweaked to your desires. We highly suggest you give it a try at your next outdoor gathering!